Strobe Talbott is President of the well-known Brookings Institution in Washington DC and former US Deputy Secretary of State. Speaking with Nalin Mehta, Talbott discussed Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s foreign policy moves, his personal bonding with President Barack Obama, the prospects of India-Pakistan peace developing today – and whether Donald Trump could be America’s next president:
You first came to India on the back of Henry Kissinger’s plane in 1974. From your point of view, how does the India-US relationship look right now, particularly over the past year since Narendra Modi came to power?
The relationship was for a very long time abnormal. When I say abnormal, I mean that it should have, were it not for the Cold War, been a bilateral relationship made in heaven.
Once upon a time, the United States of America was not a Raj but a bunch of colonies of the British empire. Americans have always had a deep rooted attachment to two things: independence and democracy. By those criteria the relationship should have been excellent.
The combination of the Non-Aligned Movement, the fact that viewed from Washington (I am not saying that this was objective but as viewed from Washington), while India was non-aligned it had the look to people like John Foster Dulles that India was basically an ally of the Soviet Union. What were all those MiGs and Sukhois doing, right?
And then, of course, there was the Pakistan factor, Pakistan was literally an ally, back when there was the Baghdad Pact, or CENTO, and SEATO, the fact that Francis Garry Powers took off in his U-2 from Peshawar. All of that made the relationship frosty and sometimes adverse.
That was an inescapable drag on what could have been — and should have been – a very important positive relationship when as much of the rest of the world, in the 1950s and 60s, was unshackling itself from European empires.
But it didn’t happen.
When the Cold War ended there was a potential that both Indian and American leaders saw but it took some kind of sounding and feeling each other out, and Bill Clinton, the first U.S. president to be elected after the cold war, was determined to make this happen.
I might add, I think President Clinton would have wanted a breakthrough relationship with India no matter what. But his wife, the first lady, during the first term, made a very significant trip out to the region. She visited all of the South Asian countries but she spent the bulk of her time in India and she made very strong case when she got back for the president to make the trip and work with his Indian counterpart to put the relationship on a new track.
I remember her coming to the State Department and giving a riveting speech, with a long Q and A session, on her various impressions. Her theme was that it was time to really move forward.
Because life is what’s happening when you are making other plans, Bill Clinton didn’t get around to actually getting his hands on the problem and an opportunity to do so until his second term.
There was an irony in what allowed the real breakthrough at the end of the 1990s and that was the Pokhran tests and India doing something that was contrary to American policy and its hopes for the future because of the Non-Proliferation Treaty.
I can remember to this day, after the test, Clinton saying that in adversity there is opportunity and let’s see if we can manage this issue in a way that will not only deal with the issue at hand but open up the relationship and put it on a different course. So you had a piece of bad news, from Washington’s standpoint, catalyze a diplomatic process that I think produced some good for both sides.
There was a second case of opportunity from adversity: Kargil, which was really bad news. The U.S. handling of that dangerous moment changed the mindset in New Delhi. The incursion of Pakistani troops across Line of Control led to a drama, which Bruce Riedel and I have written about.
Nawaz Sharif ruined our President’s July 4 weekend in 1999. Bruce and I were part of the really tough negotiations when Nawaz Sharif flew to Washington in an effort to get American backing. I must have been on the telephone six time during the course of that weekend with Jaswant Singh, my colleague in the strategic dialogue who became a dear friend. But Clinton himself talked to Vajpayee at least several times in the course of two days.
There was no question in our minds that our Indian partners were rolling their eyes back in Delhi and saying, “The Americans are going to do it again. They are going to tilt.”
We tilted all right, but in the other direction – toward India, insisting that Nawaz pull back the troops. I think it was a critical moment.
When George W. Bush came in, he did the deal on the nuclear agreement. That solidified the progress that was already underway. Since then, even though there have been bumps in the road, we have consolidated the relationship to the point that now you have got engagement across the board, at virtually all the of the relevant government agencies in both governments and at the highest levels. The engagement is both horizontal and vertical.
The new (Modi) government has been very aggressive on foreign policy. We have just had the Japanese Prime Minister’s visit and there are all kinds of realignments happening there. There is a very aggressive push towards non-resident Indians, for example, and various other things are happening. What is your sense about the Narendra Modi government’s foreign policy doctrine?
On some of the big issues of our time, his instincts, approaches and policies are appreciated in Washington and as well as by people outside the government who have studied this country for a long time. There’s a sense that he’s handling China policy well, and his excellent relationship with PM Abe is also welcome.
I was in Tokyo just a few weeks ago, and I heard a lot from friends there how the personal relationship has desirable, healthy, and helpful.
It’s good to have India develop not just its policies that are consolidating its regional efforts to advance its legitimate interests, but it’s good to see India moving forward in its role in the world.
That includes the Pacific. It would be great to have India as part of APEC and TPP. I sense some caution here in Delhi on this point. But if we are going to have an open, fair and prosperity-driving World Trade Organization – call it a WTO 2.0 — it will probably have to ride on the back of trans-regional trade regimes.
On Pakistan: there have, recently, been attempts to get some serious diplomacy going at a high level. There were obstacles before, but India hasn’t given up – and to his credit Nawaz Sharif hasn’t either
As for U.S.-Pakistan relations, I know there have been some stories out of Washington that have raised eyebrows here. But unlike in the past, there have not been public excoriations of complaints and that’s good.
Finally the relationship between President Obama and your Prime Minister. Before they met for the first time, there was a degree of curiosity of how that relationship would play out. Our President is very disciplined, highly rational and pragmatic and he doesn’t have a whole lot of time for glad-handing at the highest levels and it turns out your prime minister is much the same. I remember hearing after the first and second bilaterals when Modi came to Washington that they just hit it off. Neither of them goes in for small talk.
When they meet, they both have their to-do lists. They compared them – “What’s on your list? Here’s what’s on mine? Let’s see if we can find some alignment.” A last point, way-way up on Obama’s list from the day he became president was climate change. He is passionate on the subject. (You remember how he barged in a critical meeting in Copenhagen where he wasn’t invited and, along with Manmohan Singh and the others, rescued the conference from total catastrophe.)
President Obama feels that Mr. Modi, while being very careful to defend and advance India’s interests – some of which were different to what we hoped for – still delivered.
The US, China and India have got to lead this process by example and by what they agreed to do.
So all in all, my sense is that Mr. Obama thinks it is the personal bilateral relationship that is paying off.
“How do you respond to what Ambassador Shivshankar Menon said that while politically and strategically there is now a great deal of alignment between the US and India but the part of the equation which they thought would be the easiest and the lowest hanging fruit – the economic relationship – is what is turning out to be problematic. As Rear Admiral K Raja Menon pointed out, there are issues with TPP, for example?
I found Ambassador Menon’s point to be clarifying and persuasive. As for Admiral Menon’s position on TPP, I see the matter differently. He is treating it as an American-led exclusive club, which is not the intention. TPP will only meet the aspirations of those who conceived of it if it opens up. The hope is that it will open up and not only in terms of the US wanting to have other countries join but open up because countries, in particular India, might be interested … It will work better this way. It’s not quite a matter of “the more the merrier.” That would suggest that its development is merely qualitative. Rather, there are qualitative reasons for this to work. The hope is that as India over time opens up further on IPR and other trade issues it will become more attractive on both sides.
We have seen the Heart of Asia conference in Pakistan as part of the Istanbul Process but on the same day that happened there were attacks in Kandahar and other places in Afghanistan. In some ways, Pakistan’s reliability on that front is also an important factor in what happens in the India-Pakistan relationship. Pakistan is moving on terror but do you think it is moving enough on elements that are inimical to India?
It is of the highest importance that all of us, including people in Pakistan, believe the following proposition: it is a self-destructive and dangerous chimera to distinguish between terrorists as though there were benign terrorists and malignant terrorists. Everyone must see that all terrorists are part of the same malignancy, whatever the cause or region of the world. Pakistan’s own experience ought to make that clear to.
So issue of differentiating is going to hang out there, and it is going to be an impediment to the US using a long and basically positive relationship with Pakistan. It is also going to be an impediment to India’s efforts to engage Pakistan with what has been a two-steps-forward, one-stop-back – and sometimes three steps backwards – if Pakistan continues to say, “Ok, we will go after Al Qaeda” while at the same time their actions show that they’re putting Lashkar-e-Taiba in a different, coddled category. For everybody’s sake, except for the bad guys, that’s got to happen. They’ve got to get rid of that distinction. Terrorists are ALL bad guys.
There is a very interesting US election campaign right now. What are the prospects of a President Trump?
Zero. How is that for a concise answer? Just one word. No way is Trump going to be president. I say that for two reasons. Both call to mind two of Churchill’s quips: first, democracy is the worst of all systems except for the alternatives; and second, Americans will always do the right thing after they have exhausted all the alternatives.
It is extremely unlikely that Trump will get the nomination. I doubt it will happen because the Republican establishment doesn’t want to see Trump as a standard-bearer for philosophical and practical reasons, not least because he would lose the general election.
I grew up as a moderate Republican and I believe it is very important for the United States to have a strong two-party system even though our founders did either not want one or didn’t say it. It would be bad for US to have an implosion or a huge schism between the Tea Party and the rest of the Republicans.
His nomination would not only guarantee a Democratic hold on the White House – it would create a severe and probably quite long-standing crisis within the Republican Party.
It is extremely unlikely that he will get the nomination and if he gets the nomination I will fly back to Delhi and buy you an expensive dinner. The American people basically are sound of mind and sound of responsible politics.
Much is being made here of the polls that show Trump in first place although ( some polls show that he may be falling behind in Iowa). Those are interesting polls but they go up and down like a very volatile stock market. The much more important poll figure is 67 – 67% of the American people do not like Trump’s position on Muslims and Muslim migration.
American presidential elections are basically fought and won in the centre. The centre includes centre-left and centre-right. Sometimes you get a liberal like Obama who beats a conservative like Mitt Romney or a conservative like George W. Bush who beats a liberal like Al Gore.
Extremists are losers.
What are the possible policy choices and challenges that ISIS holds for the United States? In the last couple of months there have been some advances against it, but it is totally different from the Al Qaeda. How do you deal with it? Is it just a Middle-East issue? And especially with a President who is unwilling to go in with a military solution and even if he does, it probably won’t work?
I don’t know, he doesn’t know, we don’t know… I assume you don’t know. The rise of ISIS is geopolitically, morally, philosophically, militarily, diplomatically one of the hardest challenges to the world order in a long time. It is largely because it is a Frankenstein’s monster which came out of the laboratory of globalization and modernity.
Here you have what we used to call non-state actors who are not behaving like that is their role. They’re saying what they’re calling a state is going to supplant what we thought were established sovereign states, a state that is going to expand into the territory of its neighbors, a state that is going to declare war on the world as a whole, a state that is going to impose a form of governance that is an obscurantist, brutal, and atavistic, a means of controlling a population that goes back to the seventh century and yet has mastered social media.
So their tactics and communication strategy come straight out of the digital revolution
You have seen the New York Times piece about how ISIS is using Twitter handles so that they can change them the minute the authorities get after them but they encode into the messages something that only the cognoscenti, the members that know them can get.
… As for getting a handle on ISIS, There are multiple dimensions to it. You know this phrase ‘ungoverned territory’ which usually was used refer to areas like parts of Africa? Cyberspace too is ungoverned territory, and yet it is a populated with virtual communities …
We clearly have got to come to grips on how to get rid of Assad. Here, my view is in respectful opposition to pretty much every authoritative Indian I have met on this trip …
There is no way we can concentrate on ISIS if Assad is still there because his being on the throne, in the Presidency, is red meat to ISIS… There are two things about ISIS’s existence worth stressing: one of course is in Iraq – the anarchy and chaos that came after the fall of Saddam – but the other is in Syria, and that chaos is solely caused by Assad’s massacring and alienating. is own people. As long as he’s in charge, there will be no peace The last point is that we in the West should study not just parts of the world where Islamic extremism is rampant but also those societies, like India and Indonesia, that have huge Muslim populations but have avoided the contagion of homegrown terrorism. In the case of India, I can only guess is that that is largely because Muslims, even though they’re a minority, feel accepted into a pluralistic society and polity. In the United States and European countries, there is evidence that at least some parts of the Muslim population is feels marginalized. Islamophobia – of the kind Trump preaches – in those societies will only make the problem worse. That aspect of the growing threat needs more analysis – and introspection.
The Brookings India Centre has been around for two-and-a-half years. Where do you see it going and what role do you see it performing in the wider public sphere?
The Brookings India Centre has been here two and a half years. Vikram Mehta and his colleagues have made very significant progress with a terrific cadre of scholars and am absolutely convinced they are going to achieve the original idea, adding to a very impressive collection of think-tanks here.
I’m struck by the fact that people in both government and political circles here see what i saw while working in government – governance is demanding and you are constantly up against the phenomenon of the urgent driving out the important.
There’s little time to step back, think and develop nuanced, far-sighted ideas to strategize for the future.
You might say this is why think-tanks and government are natural allies.
I see it already having made very significant progress. Vikram Mehta and his colleagues started with an idea, and now there is a bricks and mortar facility with a terrific cadre of scholars. The energy, commitment and excitement absolutely convinces me that it is going to achieve the original idea that brought us here … joining what is already a very impressive indigenous collection of think-tanks.
This aspect of civil society is going to be a great contributor to the further impressive development of India.
I have heard government officials and other people who have high hopes for this country say that the think-tank community has a new and welcome member and those of us who have flown 8000 miles to see how it is going are grateful and proud.
There are all kinds of issues around further scrutiny of funding, for example, under this government. This is not a question about Brookings but in general within the larger sphere…of civil society. How do you see that?
Brookings India has followed the process assiduously. Its funding comes from generous Indians – what we call our Founders Circle. I’m convinced Indian think tanks of all kinds will play extremely important and positive role in civil society and the ongoing progress of this great country.
One reason – but by no means the only one – is the following: I spent eight years in government, and I was struck from the first day to the last that governance is so demanding that those in office are constantly up against the phenomenon – sometimes the curse — of the urgent driving out the important.
There is so little time to step back and think and develop nuanced, far-sighted or foresighted ideas to help you strategize for the future. That’s what think tanks do, and that’s why I believe think-tanks and democratic governments are natural allies.